some different work—gifts, to my brother on his birthday, and to my wife on our anniversary
some different work—gifts, to my brother on his birthday, and to my wife on our anniversary
my c.v.:

If you’re into the more technical stuff, you can scroll down for some of my academic work.

If you like your philosophy in a more casual mode, you can find some blog-style writing of mine here:

Forgiveness and Correction (J. Ethics 28.3) (download)

Famine, Affluence, and Aquinas (JESP 25.2) (download)

The Charity Account of Forgiving (ACPQ 96.3) (download)


dissertation: Charity as a Foundation of Ethics (ProQuest) (download)

pre-publication versions of my papers*

*If you intend to cite these, you should know there may be differences between these drafts and the published versions. If you're just reading, the differences shouldn't matter much.